If we want students to access content on mobiles then shortened URLs and/ or QR (‘quick response’) codes are our friends. These are the discussion questions I posed:
What are they for? How do you use/ engage with them in personal and professional capacities? How do/ could you use them for teaching, learning and assessment?
QR codes can give quick access to media content, to a Mentimeter poll or to additional information or activites to prepare for a session. They can be used to answer FAQs (this works especially well in labs) or to provide anticipatory support or additional instructions/guidance.
You can create either on a mobile but I recommend doing this side of things on a lap or desktop.

1. Twitter users only- a twitter handle in QR form

QR code with text that could be accessbile via printed worksheet or display

Photo album in Google images accessed via single link
There’s plenty of ‘how to’ guidance available online. I tend to use tiny.cc or tinyurl.com for URL shortening as it’s easy to define my own URLs and for QR code options you might like to try https://www.qrstuff.com/ or https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ (sign up) which are ‘freemium’ sites but do offer a lot for free.
I tried this https://www.qrcode-tiger.com/
I find it very easy to generate a QR code.