If we want students to access content on mobiles then shortened URLs and/ or QR (‘quick response’) codes are our friends. These are the discussion questions I posed:
What are they for? How do you use/ engage with them in personal and professional capacities? How do/ could you use them for teaching, learning and assessment?
QR codes can give quick access to media content, to a Mentimeter poll or to additional information or activites to prepare for a session. They can be used to answer FAQs (this works especially well in labs) or to provide anticipatory support or additional instructions/guidance.
You can create either on a mobile but I recommend doing this side of things on a lap or desktop.
There’s plenty of ‘how to’ guidance available online. I tend to use tiny.cc or tinyurl.com for URL shortening as it’s easy to define my own URLs and for QR code options you might like to try https://www.qrstuff.com/ or https://www.qr-code-generator.com/ (sign up) which are ‘freemium’ sites but do offer a lot for free.
I tried this https://www.qrcode-tiger.com/
I find it very easy to generate a QR code.