UCL AI information

UCL AI information

UCL is starting to share more case studies, guidance and resources on AI. Here are those available so far:

AI Hub

Generative AI (GenAI) hubThis brings together the latest information and guidance on using Artificial Intelligence in education. There are no simple answers to the challenges GenAI poses, so these pages will be updated regularly.

You’ll find guidance and resources developed by experts across UCL:

  • Information about GenAI and its strengths and weaknesses
  • Video guides on assessment design
  • A simple three-tiered classification of GenAI use in assessments to help teaching staff
  • Case studies and a range of readings
  • A form for feedback, questions and new ideas for content


Designing assessment for an AI-enabled world – This resource provides guidance on how to adapt assessment to better support learning. It also explores how to accommodate the required changes that might arise from the global use of generative AI.

How to review assessment: FAQs – This page provides an overview of the current assessment review process at UCL as of July 2023, and the implications of making changes to assessments

Artificial intelligence, education and assessments – Information and resources for staff about the impact of AI on education

Engaging with AI in your education and assessment – First of a series of student briefings from the expert AI and education group with guidance on how you might engage with this in your assessments effectively and ethically. (February 2023)

AI, education and assessment: staff briefing #1 – First of a series of briefings from the expert AI and education group with all the latest information and guidance in this fast-moving area. (February 2023)

Case studies

Generative AI and education futures – Video highlights from Professor Mike Sharples’ keynote address at the 2023 UCL Education Conference, which explored opportunities to prosper with AI as a part of education.

Listening to students’ perspectives on generative AI – Dr Matteo Tiratelli Lecturer (Teaching) at UCL Social Research Institute led a project to explore students’ opinions on generative AI. The results are fascinating.

For more content and case studies see the Digital Education Team blog posts on AI.