We are pleased to announce Alison Cook-Sather will be giving one of our keynotes during the CAN conference.

‘Building on Pandemic-Prompted Innovations that Promote Belonging and Mattering: Humane and Compassionate Assessment Co-created through Student-Staff Partnership.’

In this interactive keynote, Dr. Alison Cook-Sather will review recommendations offered by student partners during the pandemic regarding how to make learning more humane and compassionate. Building on these, she will reflect on what it might mean to consider student experience in terms of mattering as well as belonging. Highlighting scholarly arguments regarding inequity in the realm of assessment in particular, she will then describe several pandemic-inspired innovations in assessment approaches that staff and students co-created through pedagogical partnership. Finally, she will discuss the ways in which partnership itself constitutes as well as supports assessment for both students and staff. Dr. Cook-Sather will invite reflection on points raised throughout the keynote, offer a set of questions focused on equity in assessment for participants to address, and dedicate time at the end for discussion of all the points explored in the keynote.

Although her keynote takes place on Thursday 12th May (our f2f day), Alison will be giving her keynote online meaning we can invite all our conference delegates regardless of their mode of attendance.

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