CAN Case Study: A Pivoting Partnership – Student Mentors Trying to Engage: a Tale of Trial & Error
Our student-staff partnership in the School of Law at the University of Reading, had 9 second year student mentors ready and raring to go to help and support new first year Law students with an optional Law and Society module. The mentors were funded to advise staff...Interweaving with Conflicts of Diversity and Empowerment: Reflect on institutional policies of student-staff partnerships in research
Introduction: Guided by my preliminary conceptual thought, I teased apart institutional policies and documents of 15 student-staff partnership schemes in the UK, and explored principles, values and ideas conveyed to the public. One result of this study suggests that...
CAN case study: Co-creating sustainable partnerships in Staff-student Liaison Committees (SSLCs)
Ana Cabral, Alison Pettigrew, Janet De Wilde (Queen Mary Academy) and Marianne Melsen (Students’ Union) QUEEN MARY ACADEMY – QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON Our approach to co-creation Co-creation and staff student partnerships are key...
CAN Case study: Recognition of students’ contribution to co-creation: SEED award at QMUL
Ana Cabral, Alison Pettigrew, Janet De Wilde, Max Addo, Giorgio Chianello, Louise Younie and William Davies QUEEN MARY ACADEMY – QUEEN MARY UNIVERSITY OF LONDON The SEED (Student Enhanced Engagement and Development) Award recognises students’...