Parama Chaudhury, Cloda Jenkins (Economics); Nadeer Hanfi – BSc Economics student; Tasnim Nodee – BSc Economics student .
Pecha Kucha
In summer 2020, we (2 Economics lecturers and 2 Connected Learning interns) worked together to completely redesign the way in which economics is taught and learned at UCL, with an eye towards making our education model more adaptable and resilient beyond the immediate Covid crisis. This included developing an Economics-specific Moodle page inspired by the Connected Learning baseline but tailored to the specifics of a very large programme with significant technical learning embedded in modules, redesigning the assessment structure to align with the “semi-flipped” approach to education, testing out technical solutions with students spread around the world, and thinking about how this model of education facilitated easy switching between online and in-person modalities, and everything in between. We provide initial reflections and evaluation of this model in this presentation, bringing in lecturer and student voices, as well as effects on learning outcomes.