Daniel Ntuiabane, Faye Gishen (UCL Medical School)

Asynchronous Submission

Whole programme curriculum maps are uncommon in undergraduate medicine, partly due to the theoretical complexity of defining ‘curriculum’. We co-created a novel electronic resource with students: the ‘MBBS Curriculum Map’ (CM), informed by a pan-student survey and student focus groups.

93% of students completing the quantitative survey (n=409) said they were ‘likely’/‘very likely’ to use a CM. 84% stated the importance of clear Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) in aiding preparation for assessments.

Thematic analysis of qualitative data indicated that students wanted the CM to be easy to use and to link between modules/years of the programme, and to Outcomes for Graduates (General Medical Council, 2018).

These data underpinned co-design of the CM, populated with academic curricular content from Faculty and published in September 2019.

Improved scores in the 2020 National Student Survey (NSS) evidence the translational impact of the CM on the student learning experience.


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