
In a year of working and learning online, it seemed particularly appropriate to hold the Education Conference online in a way that enabled discussion, reaction and reflection. This is our first conference since 2019 so we are particularly pleased that so many people have submitted a whole range of ideas for both asynchronous and synchronous sessions. Thank you!

We do ask that you sign-up, via this webform if you are at UCL and here if you are external to UCL. The live sessions will use Zoom (please use your UCL sign-in if you have one).

Asynchronous sessions

This blog is intended to act as a hub for engagement before, during and after the day itself; comments will be enabled for UCL staff and students when the posts are published on April 6th, around 9.30 am, in good time for UCL to return after Easter on the 12th. There are a wide range of different asynchronous sessions hosted here with a variety of ways of engaging on a full suite of topics from around UCL (and beyond, in some cases). There is a listing by theme of all the asynchronous sessions on the Teaching and Learning Portal but if you know who or what you’re looking for, the search box should get you there from within the blog.

Synchronous sessions

The main programme for the ‘synchronous day’ of April 14th can be viewed online on the UCL Teaching and Learning portal or downloaded as a table. All those talks also have a presence here and speakers will be able to join in the discussion via the comments.

Overview of the Day

Full information can be found here: the day kicks off at 9.30 with Dr Michael Spence, UCL President and Provost. He is followed by Dame Shirley Pearce, a range of parallel sessions, then a discursive keynote featuring Dr Maha Bali, Professor Heidi Safia Mirza and one of the Student Union sabbaticals. The afternoon sees more parallel sessions before the closing half-hour discussion at 3.30 by Professor Deborah Gill (Vice-Provost, Education and Student Experience) and another of the Student Union sabbaticals. We cap the day off from 4 with the announcement of the Education Awards.

We have deliberately left room in the schedule for people to stretch, regularly step away from their devices and attend to things arising around them. We’re looking forward to you joining us before, during and after the 14th April.