One area the Digital Assessment Team and Central Assessment Team have been exploring recently is the use of the Wiseflow lockdown browser for in-person assessments to support academic integrity. Piloting has taken three forms which each involve a different approachContinue reading… Piloting the lockdown browser three ways
Category: AssessmentUCL
Using Wiseflow to support administration in Natural Sciences
AssesmentUCL was mandated for centrally managed exams in 2021-22 but is optional for all other assessments. The Digital Assessment Team have collaborated with a number of academic units to support both widescale adoption of Wiseflow and smaller scale ‘pilots’ thatContinue reading… Using Wiseflow to support administration in Natural Sciences
An institutional environment that increases academic integrity
Reposted from the Digital Education Team blog. Over the last two years UCL has made major strides in its use, support and understanding of digital assessment at scale. Prior to the pandemic there had been interest in providing a centrally-managedContinue reading… An institutional environment that increases academic integrity
Negative marking to check understanding of key concepts
AssessmentUCL (Wiseflow) is the institutional digital assessment platform. AssesmentUCL was mandated for centrally managed exams in 2021-22 but is optional for all other assessments. The Digital Assessment Team have collaborated with a number of academic units to support both widescaleContinue reading… Negative marking to check understanding of key concepts
New features of the AssessmentUCL platform (October 2022 release)
October saw the release of UNIwise’s major upgrade to the WISEflow platform – known more widely at UCL as the AssessmentUCL platform. In this release, there are several new features introduced to improve the marking, management and authoring of assessmentsContinue reading… New features of the AssessmentUCL platform (October 2022 release)