Student Discourse on Current Bioscience Research Topics: Findings from face to face and online activities

Stephen R Price, Ralph Levinson, Ruth Wheeldon (contributions from Thiago Costa Caetano, Newton de Figueiredo Filho, Adhimar Flávio Oliveira, Luciano Fernandes Silva, Institute of Physics and Chemistry Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil) (Division of Biosciences) 5 minute talk Authentic experiences in Science are crucial to facilitating participation of marginalised groups in advanced science education. WeContinue reading Student Discourse on Current Bioscience Research Topics: Findings from face to face and online activities

How to develop an ever increasing list of interactive and accessible digital resources for students.

Hannah Timlin, Marcus Pedersen (Brain Sciences) 5 minute talk We will discuss how we created a dynamic and accessible digital resource that will continue to grow each year using software available to us. This method can be a part of anyone’s digital pedagogy. With a rapid shift online our practical course needed a dramatic redesign.Continue reading How to develop an ever increasing list of interactive and accessible digital resources for students.

Creative interactive learning tasks for live teaching

Eva Krumhuber (Experimental Psychology) 5 minute talk When teaching synchronous sessions, students have typically been asked to discuss a piece of research (e.g., journal article, book chapter). With the emergence of new learning platforms and software to engage students online, a range of interactive learning tasks has become available. Those go beyond the mere acquisitionContinue reading Creative interactive learning tasks for live teaching

Science documentaries as a tool to ‘decolonise’ science education.

W Jacob (contributions from No) (UCL Cancer Institute) 5 minute talk Decolonisation in higher education refers to the movement to highlight and mitigate inequalities resulting from colonial attitudes and racism. The objective of this work is offer a platform to address topics regarding inclusivity and encourage active learning. I have used an award winning BBCContinue reading Science documentaries as a tool to ‘decolonise’ science education.

Moving Teaching Online: what worked, what didn’t work and what to do next

Fjorda Kazazi, Chris Evans (UCLIC) 5 minute talk In February 2021, the Department of Computer Science evaluated the impact on students of its move to online learning. This session will present the results of a survey of undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as focus groups and interviews. There are important lessons to be learnedContinue reading Moving Teaching Online: what worked, what didn’t work and what to do next

Innovative assessment and students collaboration in online classroom

Silvia Dal Bianco (Economics), Chiara Amini (SSEES) 5 minute talk The pedagogical literature has demonstrated that an assessment strategy entirely based on examination might be biased towards particular learning styles (Jenkins et al., 2019). Moreover, the COVID emergency has accelerated the transition to digital assessment (Times Higher Education, 2021). Our research investigates how to dealContinue reading Innovative assessment and students collaboration in online classroom

Maximising student engagement through a novel interactive assessment

Mark Kristiansen (contributions from Paola Niola) (Genetics and Genomic Medicine, GOSICH) 5 minute talk This presentation will focus on how the use of a creative interactive assessment enhances student participation and engagement throughout the module and beyond. A major aim of this module is to equip students with critical key transferable skills that apply toContinue reading Maximising student engagement through a novel interactive assessment

Modern Language Learning in times of the Pandemic

Ulrich Tiedau (SELCS) 5 minute talk In this presentation, Connected Learning Leads will present a selection of interesting case studies from across the School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS) and the Centre for Multidisciplinary and Intercultural Inquiry (CMII) and reflect on the lessons learned from the past year of remote learning for theContinue reading Modern Language Learning in times of the Pandemic

Benefits of joining the Student Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice

Mitesh Vagadia (Student Support and Wellbeing) 5 minute talk The Student Health and Wellbeing (SHW) Community of Practice (CoP) is sponsored by the Registrar and Director of Student Support and Wellbeing and has two leads Mitesh Vagadia – Head of Student Support and Wellbeing and Madiha Sajid – Teaching & Learning Officer for MSc HealthContinue reading Benefits of joining the Student Health and Wellbeing Community of Practice