Helping students help each other: Using Slack to build online community

Kate Roll (Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose) Asynchronous Submission For the last two years IIPP has used the online sharing platform, Slack, as an ‘virtual common room’ and informal meeting place for MPA students and faculty. It has emerged as a site for discussion on difficult topics, teamwork, and peer-to-peer support. In addition, theContinue reading Helping students help each other: Using Slack to build online community

Student Engagement in a Virtual Setting: A Departmental Society’s Experience

Aditya Mori, Arshiya Sawhney; Yash Dewan; Shivam Gujral; Raed Altaf (contributions from Amy Gardner; George Hawthorne; Anastasia Skuratova; Ed Collins) (Economics Department) 10 minute talk In this presentation we, the Senior Committee of The Economist’s Society (the student society of UCL Economics), will reflect on the content and the format of events we have organised duringContinue reading Student Engagement in a Virtual Setting: A Departmental Society’s Experience

How UCL Economics Walk went virtual

Ramin Nassehi (Economics) 10 minute talk UCL Economics Walk is a walking tour of Bloomsbury, where the tour leader (i.e. lecturer) takes the audience through different locations in this area that have an economic story to tell. The project’s aim is to explain complex economic ideas in an accessible way to students and/or members ofContinue reading How UCL Economics Walk went virtual

‘It’s kind of grow inside of me’: a structured approach for student peer support

Alexandra Wilson (contributions from Ann Parker and Carolyn Bruce) (UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences) Asynchronous Submission (You can reach Alex Wilson via twitter; this talk was originally submitted for the 2020 conference, which was cancelled). The project we describe was conducted prior to the pandemic, and the intervention used has now been successfullyContinue reading ‘It’s kind of grow inside of me’: a structured approach for student peer support

Applying a TBL model on Journal club sessions

Eleni Makrinou (Structural and Molecular Biology, contributions from Janice Kiugu, Amanda Cain) Asynchronous Submission Team-based learning is an active learning approach, that allows students to apply conceptual knowledge through a sequence of activities that involve both individual learning, as well as through teamwork, with immediate feedback. We have used the TBL model to run aContinue reading Applying a TBL model on Journal club sessions

Experience of supporting Personal Tutees remotely in 2020/21’

Peter Fitch (Arena), Pippa Bark-Williams (CHIME), Daniel Verscharen (Space and Climate Physics), Emma Kelley (Medical School), Katie Ballie (Medical School) 45 minute discussion We bring together a group personal tutors from different UCL faculties to share their experience of personal tutoring during the 2020-21 academic year. The discussion will focus on examples of remote personalContinue reading Experience of supporting Personal Tutees remotely in 2020/21’

IDEAs (Inspirations for Digital Engagement Activities)

Silvia Colaiacomo, Leo Havemann, Sam Ahern, Tim Neumann, Abbi Shaw (contributions from Simon Walker, Clive Young, Alex Mihai) (UCL Arena and Digital Education) 10 minute talk This session introduces IDEAs (Inspirations for digital engagement activities), a set of resources and activities to support student engagement in digital teaching settings, developed collaboratively by UCL Arena andContinue reading IDEAs (Inspirations for Digital Engagement Activities)

From lab to long-distance – online practical simulation during the pandemic

Renée Vancraenenbroeck (contributions from Suzanne Ruddy, Amanda Cain; Department of Structural and Molecular Biology) Asynchronous Submission When face-to-face teaching was suspended in March 2020, an alternative for the extended laboratory practical that is core to the year 1 UCL Biochemistry post exam key skills module was urgently sought. An alternative was found using a freeContinue reading From lab to long-distance – online practical simulation during the pandemic

The importance of learning and feedback through collaboration in a large-scale, cross-departmental, student project

Ryan Grammenos (Electronic and Electrical Engineering) 10 minute talk This presentation will talk about what we “learned about learning” in the current climate, and the need for and value of collaboration between staff and students. The talk will draw on the experience of running a cross-disciplinary project across two departments for over 400 first-year studentsContinue reading The importance of learning and feedback through collaboration in a large-scale, cross-departmental, student project

Clinic Based Teaching in a Pandemic : Lessons Learned

Dr Sumanjit Gill (contributions from Dr Paul Dilworth; Dr Dean Noimark (Faculty of Brain Sciences, Institute of Neurology, UCL) 10 minute talk Medical students learning experience was hugely disrupted by the pandemic as opportunities to learn in the clinical environment were suspended then adapted to meet their needs in a safe way. We established teachingContinue reading Clinic Based Teaching in a Pandemic : Lessons Learned