Category: A fast-changing graduate employment market

‘Getting comfortable with uncertainty’: developing students’ critical copyright literacy in the age of genAI

A group of students, viewed from the back, facing a classroom blackboard. Copyright symbols are superimposed on the image.

Abstract Copyright literacy refers to “acquiring and demonstrating the appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours to enable the ethical creation and use of copyright material” (Morrison and Secker, 2015). In a digital and increasingly open environment, copyright literacy is essential for students, both in academic and professional contexts.    The advent of generative AI has added further…Continue Reading ‘Getting comfortable with uncertainty’: developing students’ critical copyright literacy in the age of genAI

Learning as evaluation – embedding an evaluation process within skills development activities

Graphic resembling portico of UCL with five boxes listing skills, knowledge, global citizenship, career planning & decision making, experience & networks and values/personal qualities

Abstract The UCL Careers Extra Internships Scheme was launched in 2023 to provide ring-fenced, funded internships with charities and SMEs for undergraduates from under-represented groups. Integral to the scheme is a programme of wraparound support which includes one-to-one discussions pre-internship to identify areas for skills development, follow-up reflections on skills learned, and finally the opportunity…Continue Reading Learning as evaluation – embedding an evaluation process within skills development activities

Artificial intelligence and rethinking coursework assessments

Video chat between a female student and her male tutor.

Generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT, have raised concerns regarding academic integrity and the potential use of generative AI applications for student coursework output. Conversely, generative AI tools may have several positive and beneficial applications for student learning and for incorporating into existing student assessment models. As AI technologies become common in the workplace, including…Continue Reading Artificial intelligence and rethinking coursework assessments

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